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-The Fool's Craft-

-The Fool's Fun-

The idea was inspired by tarot cards and the characterology behind the subject. But mostof it been inspired by the book of Szabó Illés : A tarot regénye ( the novel of tarot ) sadly there is no translation but the book has a big impact on how I look at tarot. In short terms: the book is about a boy who has the chanceto go to the world of tarot where the fool is the one who accompany the boy on the journey. They cross their ways with most of the major arcanes of Tarot  ​ The fool's craft is an idea where the fool itself manifests into the object of a gold piece and just fools around without a thought. At the same time, it has an impact on its surrounding. The idea is really raw and I would say it can be fooled around with.

-The Fool's Lore-

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